
Fuel cell stacks from EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies are characterized by a very high power density.

EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies has many years of experience in developing and manufacturing fuel cell components and stacks.

The bipolar plate, the core element of a fuel cell stack, regulates the supply of hydrogen and air and the removal of water.

EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies offers fuel cell stacks and components for a wide range of applications.

Fuel cell stacks from EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies guarantee high power density with compact design and low weight.

Fuel cell stacks from EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies guarantee high power density with compact design and low weight.

In the area of research and development, EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies has extensive testing and test facilities.

At its Dettingen/Erms plant, EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies has state-of-the-art production facilities including cleanroom manufacturing.

At its Dettingen/Erms plant, EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies has state-of-the-art production facilities including cleanroom manufacturing.

The production of fuel cell stacks requires extremely clean manufacturing conditions, which a class ISO 7 clean room ensures.

EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies produces metallic bipolar plates with high-precision progressive dies in a fully automated, interlinked manufacturing process.

In the area of research and development, EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies has extensive testing and test facilities.
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